International Peer Reviewed & Refereed Journals, Open Access Journal
ISSN Approved Journal No: 2455-2631 | Impact factor: 8.15 | ESTD Year: 2016
open access , Peer-reviewed, and Refereed Journals, Impact factor 8.15

Issue: May 2024

Volume 9 | Issue 5

Impact factor: 8.15

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Authors Name: Jayashri Lahkar
Unique Id: IJSDR2303032
Published In: Volume 8 Issue 3, March-2023
Abstract: In this world where more than hundred million people who uses social media on a social basis and consume digital content on a daily basis such like for example in the morning news or the day to day activities are read over newspaper. Ever since the innovation of smart phones and tablets everything is bound to the online exertion. Affiliate marketing is no means a new conception for brands. With the massive growth of social media and online platforms getting quasi-societies, affiliates have an all new power. No longer is it limited to a celebrity endorsing their brand in an announcement. Social media is a brilliant marketing platform because it comes at no base position cost and they have instant access to a huge request. For context, Instagram (one of the most generally used platforms for affiliate marketing) has around 1 billion users as of 2021. Facebook as of late out performed two billion month to month users, with veritably nearly 33 of the total crowd exercising the webpage, while Linkedin has around 467 million individuals. Not only do these platforms have huge population, but it is also extremely easy to filter down that population and target their content towards who fall into orders of who would be their likely customers. For example, an eCommerce enterprise designing adult’s cloths, it would be logical to target people who show interest in fashion trend brands. This can be done with the use of hastags (#), or with paid social, they can limit the age range of those targeted to people of a certain age. To get a further quantifiable idea of the value of social media, make sure they keep up to date with social media statistics. This will help them to know which platforms are trending at any one time, and where they should concentrate their efforts. Their company can use social media for brand protestation and to make a followership of its own, but it is also a great platform to engage with affiliates on. Social media influencers are also booming with the rise of social media. These are individuals who gain a huge following on social media due to the wide appeal of their posts. Different influencers tend to concentrate on different areas, for example; beauty, fitness, art, or fashion. These influencers have come a fort for affiliate marketing, as by uniting with them, they can reach the influencer’s followership directly. As they can see, social media is in its veritably nature an excellent starting point for their marketing strategy. It’s cheap, easy to use and popular. This paper will give a highlight about the benefits of affiliated marketing using social media mix-marketing strategy.
Keywords: affiliate marketing, social media, marketing mix, eCommerce
Cite Article: "BENEFITS OF USING SOCIAL MEDIA MIX-MARKETING IN AFFILIATE MARKETING", International Journal of Science & Engineering Development Research (www.ijsdr.org), ISSN:2455-2631, Vol.8, Issue 3, page no.206 - 212, March-2023, Available :http://www.ijsdr.org/papers/IJSDR2303032.pdf
Downloads: 000340272
Publication Details: Published Paper ID: IJSDR2303032
Registration ID:204277
Published In: Volume 8 Issue 3, March-2023
DOI (Digital Object Identifier):
Page No: 206 - 212
Publisher: IJSDR | www.ijsdr.org
ISSN Number: 2455-2631

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