International Peer Reviewed & Refereed Journals, Open Access Journal
ISSN Approved Journal No: 2455-2631 | Impact factor: 8.15 | ESTD Year: 2016
open access , Peer-reviewed, and Refereed Journals, Impact factor 8.15

Issue: May 2024

Volume 9 | Issue 5

Impact factor: 8.15

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Paper Title: Confidential I - Voting System
Authors Name: Kaviranjani G , Anitha K
Unique Id: IJSDR2303155
Published In: Volume 8 Issue 3, March-2023
Abstract: This project “CONFIDENTIAL I-VOTING SYSTEM” aims at making the voting process easy in all type of elections. This type of voting process provides non profitability sample of the participants to self-elect into participation. The term poling includes the terms such as call-in, mail-in, and some online polls. Before 1990’s the voting was performed using ballot paper and all the counting is done manually, hence it consumes a lot of time to make the final decision. There can be possibility of invalid votes, fake votes etc. And we switched that method of practicing by replacing the ballot papers to EVM (Electronic voting Machine). Here the EVM’s can be set up only in those particular wards, there comes another issue not all voters will be available during the time of election at the particular wards. This will affect the results while selecting the leader. All these make election a tedious task. In recent times in India, during the election the second wave of COVID transmission also made huge loss of human lives. And also, in any type of voting there will be a problem of fake voting. To avoid all these conflicts in our proposed system we are doing all the voting and counting with the help of computer through internet. It is the most efficient way to save the time of the person who is not available during the time of election at the particular wards. It makes the election process easy. It also avoids the process of physical touching or visiting any places and even during pandemic it will be more helpful to conduct elections. The system allows the user to vote for the candidate online. All the records of the candidate will also be available in the webpage which will help the voters to know about the candidate even if they are not aware of them. In present existing system there are lot of conflicts to overcome the drawbacks we made the whole system using blockchain to provide more security to the system. This particular system was proposed to mark our work much easier and to reduce wastage of time. So, there is a need for the Confidential I-Voting System.
Keywords: ballot paper, confidential voting, EVM, blockchain
Cite Article: "Confidential I - Voting System", International Journal of Science & Engineering Development Research (www.ijsdr.org), ISSN:2455-2631, Vol.8, Issue 3, page no.952 - 957, March-2023, Available :http://www.ijsdr.org/papers/IJSDR2303155.pdf
Downloads: 000340271
Publication Details: Published Paper ID: IJSDR2303155
Registration ID:204464
Published In: Volume 8 Issue 3, March-2023
DOI (Digital Object Identifier):
Page No: 952 - 957
Publisher: IJSDR | www.ijsdr.org
ISSN Number: 2455-2631

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