Abhilipsa Dash
, Purvi Patawri , Tiyasa Guha
skin care,dead skin cells,Micro-tears
Facial scrubs are an essential part of a skin care routine. What is a facial scrub? A facial scrub is usually a cream-based product that contains little exfoliating pieces that when massaged across the skin help smooth the skin by physically lifting off dry, dead skin cells. They’ve been around for many, many years and while the formulas have changed a bit, they are still a necessity in your skin care routine Many people like to use face scrubs as part of their daily skin care routines. Historically, we haven’t been big fans of the majority of scrubs for one significant reason: • Most of them are way too harsh and abrasive for skin. • Any scrub that contains large, irregularly-shaped particles damages skin by causing micro-tears in its surface. • Common culprits include ground-up shells, fruit pits, or volcanic rock. • Micro-tears gradually weaken skin’s barrier, making skin more prone to dry, flaky patches, redness, and signs of sensitivity. With daily use, if you’re zealously scrubbing with these ingredients, skin loses its ability to restore itself and look healthy.
"FORMULATION OF NATURAL FACE AND BODY SCRUBS", IJSDR - International Journal of Scientific Development and Research (, ISSN:2455-2631, Vol.5, Issue 7, page no.337 - 342, July-2020, Available :
Volume 5
Issue 7,
Pages : 337 - 342
Paper Reg. ID: IJSDR_192035
Published Paper Id: IJSDR2007045
Downloads: 000347093
Research Area: Engineering
Country: -, -, -
ISSN: 2455-2631 | IMPACT FACTOR: 9.15 Calculated By Google Scholar | ESTD YEAR: 2016
An International Scholarly Open Access Journal, Peer-Reviewed, Refereed Journal Impact Factor 9.15 Calculate by Google Scholar and Semantic Scholar | AI-Powered Research Tool, Multidisciplinary, Monthly, Multilanguage Journal Indexing in All Major Database & Metadata, Citation Generator
Publisher: IJSDR(IJ Publication) Janvi Wave