INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SCIENTIFIC DEVELOPMENT AND RESEARCH International Peer Reviewed & Refereed Journals, Open Access Journal ISSN Approved Journal No: 2455-2631 | Impact factor: 8.15 | ESTD Year: 2016
open access , Peer-reviewed, and Refereed Journals, Impact factor 8.15
The restorative justice theoretical framework views crime as a violation of people and relationships. These violations in turn create an obligation to make things right. Restorative justice aims to reestablish the balance that has been offset as a result of a crime by involving the primary stakeholders (i.e., victim, offender, and the affected community) in the decision-making process of how best to restore this balance. The focus is on healing as opposed to punishment. Other important principles of restorative justice include offender accountability for wrongdoing, respect for all participants, and the centrality of the victim throughout the process. A fundamental component of restorative justice programs is some form of dialog or interaction between the offender and the victim or a victim surrogate, with some programs extending participation to family and community members. A youthful offender and victim must agree to participate in such a dialog. Examples of programs include Victim-Offender Mediation, Family Group Conferencing, and Sentencing Circles. Possible outcomes of these programs may include holding the youth accountable for his or her actions, the victim feeling that their voice was heard, an apology from the offender (possibly in spoken or written form), restitution, or community service. Furthermore, some routine practices of the juvenile justice system such as restitution, are consistent with a restorative justice principle, and some programs incorporate some aspect of the framework, such as teen courts. The evidence regarding the effectiveness of restorative justice programs for juveniles is mostly positive, although the most recent meta-analyses have come to contradictory findings regarding their effectiveness in reducing delinquency.
Restorative Justice, Justice, Criminal Justice, Alternative Method, Victim, Alternative Dispute Resolution
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"Restorative Justice; A New Way Toward Justice", International Journal of Science & Engineering Development Research (, ISSN:2455-2631, Vol.7, Issue 9, page no.706 - 713, September-2022, Available :
Publication Details:
Published Paper ID: IJSDR2209111
Registration ID:201762
Published In: Volume 7 Issue 9, September-2022
DOI (Digital Object Identifier):
Page No: 706 - 713
Publisher: IJSDR |
ISSN Number: 2455-2631
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